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Just wanted to share my appreciation for this wip through this fanart of Charles. I love the relationship between him and the mc, whether its platonic or romantic. Its just such a comfy dynamic. TY for the amazing story 😌🫶✨️

this is lovely <3  thank you (though you need to flip it)

oh wow! this is so good!


I'm gonna romance Lynwood so hard 🙏🏾😝💕


Good luck :D though it'll have to wait a while, right now my brain-power is focused on a different game, sorry Dx

Its okay, I'll wait! No pressure tho lol


If you wanna check out the other game in the meantime, it's called 'Ashenmaw - Dragons of Marrowoods'

Omg thank u, I'll check it out 💕

enjoy :3


love the story so far, when playing as other characters, i can see their stats and relationship too, though their stats are much better than MC 😢
i'm curious how Lynwood going to rescue the kitten, enjoyed playing as Charlie and Mrs Meadow. i'm exporting my save file in case i lost in browser save just in case😍


:D Happy to hear you like it.

Though I will say this that right now my writing focus is on a dragon themed game, but I am making good process with this one too :3

RAHH it's been a year since I've last opened itch and checked on this and OH MY GOODNESS IT'S EVEN BETTER THAN I REMEMBERED IT!!! I'm glad you got your 15k lines of horse name code working <3


Hah! well, ultimately it turned out far less, as shortly before I finished that behemoth I realized 'wait, if I do it this way round, it's be just about 2k of code and much easier'.... the joy of coding >_>

I'm enjoying the story so far, but unfortunately the font size setting doesn't seem to be working for me. I'm using Firefox on Android.


Yeah, that's a bug I don't know how to sort out. But I'll keep looking into it :( Does setting it to a bigger font in the browser itself work?

Yes, that works. Thanks.

got a bad ending organically lol! didnt even know the game had those. i dont like sean and i rode that line all the way to the end, lol. loving this so far

Charlie is not too keen on you making a fool of yourself XD


OP I love your story! Really cool thought process and I love the amount of effort you've put into this. The setting and lore is amazing, the characters authentic and the menu has got a lot of cool information. I love it. Awesome job OP. 10/10, will definitely be reading/playing it again. Thank you for creating this:)


Oh! And curious, we could flirt with Burke does that mean he is romanceable or...? I'm so used to knowing who is romanceable my curiosity is in OVERDRIVE. Tell meee 

(Though on the otherhand it's pretty interesting to not know because then I am thinking or paying attention to different things too! - Being left in suspense is fine)


Then I won't tell :D


:D though I ought to add I am currently concentrating on a different project, so the next update will be a bit of a way off. ^^;

Just out of curiosity, about the "Weird" part of this Weird West... 🤔
Would you say this is taking place in/part of the "Lovecraft universe"? Like, could I assume there's a "Wild West period" town of Arkham out there? 😆


Not 'lovecraft universe' but eldritch, yes. :3

Fair enough! :D
Another question... Do you want us to report possible writing mistakes? Like, a missed word or misspelling? And if such, where/how? :o


best place for that would be the dev blog :)

I also admire how you take time to interact with us you have commented on most of the comments and I admire that, thank ya



Oh to be in that world, I can’t wait to see what happens! I’m always checking on all platforms for any updates!


thank you :D right now, I will admit, I'm focusing on a different game (while doing more research for Ballad on the side) so updates will only come later the year (hopefully)


Hahaha! Got myself an achievement for choosing "Charlie" as both the first and last name! Love that.


:D <3


im still playing the game im not done but i chose charlie thinking it would a small moment and every second i was like WHAT IS HAPPENING SWITCH BACK  especally the explsion i thought i was dead

I mean..... 


Charlie my POOKIE💜 (i lobe him so much someone sedateme)


you very nearly died (in game) already, don't do that to charlie D=

HIII I LOVE YOUR GAME!!!!! And I'm sorrryyy I'll just cover his face in smooches i think that'll help :D


(btw this is O'Brian's reactions if you name/nickname your character Tommy)


Yep :3 Tommy gets equally irritated (at least when you named your horse that XD )


Love this game so much! I've never considered myself a fan of Westerns, but after playing this I might have to rethink that.


:D I mean, I dunno how much it does actually hit all the marks of a western, but I try

I absolutely love it ! Thank you for the amazing work so far, it's one of my favorites and I have to keep coming back to play ^^


:D thank you.

CH8 is by now around 3000 words in, and I usually aim for around 20k per chapter (ch7 was a bit shorter, but it came with the bonus povs to make up for that)


My pleasure ! Yeah with the alternative pov it really put a lot more emotion in the situation and it was really nice seeing the others pov of our character and the situation. That's actually a really good aim point for every chapter, I look forward to the next one ! no pressure though I know it's strenuous writing sometimes 😁


<3 I hope to finish Lynwood's pov with the next update, wish me luck


Good luck ! You've got this xD 


Finally finished the update, it was amazing! I love this game so much and look forward to more!


I'll do my best :3 Currently around 2500 longhand into ch8


I love the detail of the relationship numbers changing when you look at what the other characters are doing! At first I was wondering why Lynwood didn't like me when I was watching Charlie, but then I went back a bit and realized its different for each character.




Of course, how could I not? :D


:3 I said it before, I say it again, I am so happy people are noticing :3

This is by far my favorite game, I love Charlies character and the little details put into this is just outstanding! please do continue this!


<3 I will, but slowly. Got a lot that's getting in the way, but I'll do my best. Thank you.



<3 You're welcome

I put off reading this for ages cause I'm not really into westerns, but i loved this. The character interactions are my favourite part. I really loved watching Lynwood warm up to the mc was great.



I just realized you can actually check the stats and relationships from the other characters povs. That's such a cool detail. Thank u so much for this update <3


:D Happy people are finding these little bits :3


Great update also I had a mini freakout (good) when you can swap your pov and get further hints about said character with their stats/relationships (I was not expecting that attention to detail so amazing job truly)


:D I'm happy you went and checked the stats. I am worried people would miss that bit <3

It's finally here I finally get to read a good story again!!


When I play on my phone, there's this big menu banner and I cant fingure out how to move it/close it

i was about to comment this too i thought it was something to do with my phone 🥲


posted an amswer. sorry again

(3 edits) (+1)

Ah. It seems the button has vanished Xx. click the upper left corner of the banner. I'll see how I can fix this Dx. sorry

edit: set it to portrait mode, hope that helps? squishes the text a bit though Dx

Edit edit: Removed the invisible unicode from the menu, but kept it in portrait mode for now.


i wanna see more of preacher im so in love with this if :3


<3 Thank you. It'll be a while till Preacher joins the posse though (i think he's the last RO to join?)

Show post...

I also wanna see more of preacher 

Oh haha I was not expecting to see the IF here but it's a very happy surprise!! I still really like this story (idk if you'd recall me author but I was the anon on Tumblr who problem solved the riddle section using Google doc LOL -)

Also I recall you liking sunflowers? So here's one for you 🌻 ty again for publishing your story here



And I remember you :D We moved to Twine as Choicescript doesn't allow for some shenanigans (yet) :3

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for this new format!! (Being able to save progression is just...mwah. Beautiful.) I played this first months ago and I was super hyped, really grateful that you're continuing this project (:

   x - - - very slight spoiler of Chapter6 - - - x 

I would just like to report a very small issue: at the very end of Chapter6 (dream/nightmare scene) when we follow the path to the forest and the storm, and then choose to go for 4 riddles instead of 3 and manage to answer them correctly only 1 skill is enhanced, not 2 as said. It was the second skill I chose to enhance that got an upgrade but not the first one chosen.

Hope you're doing well! You did a very good job with this IF, I look forward to see your future work. Very good day!

(1 edit)

<3 thank you. as for the error: I checked the code and so far couldn't find anything wrong :( However, when the being in the forest asks you if you wanna go for two more questions, only the last option should give the bonus. could you tell me which choices you picked? Are you on tumblr by chance to contact us there?

(1 edit)

Very sorry for the late reply!! I am on tumblr yes, np if you want me to contact you there. After reading your reply I decided to check what happens with the other options (should've definitely done it earlier), and it seems to be all fine except if I choose Gunslinging as my first choice. 

No matter which stat it is the second choice will always get enhanced by 10 while Gunslinging won't. Tried it the other way around as well, and it... works? Whatever the first choice is if I put Gunslinging as my second choice it will somehow works this way and both stats will be upgraded. (May be irrevelant idk but Gunslinging is the higher stat I have-)

Anyhow hope you'll find what's happening ToT and wish you good days.


Hi. no worries for late replies. I think I found the error. It will go live with the next bugfix update later today :3 Thank you for the help. (also, yeah, it makes more sense contacting me on tumblr for bug reports)

I haven't even played the new update yet, but it already looks so good. So excited ^^

Well, it's technically not a 'new' updated, there's no new chapters yet. some new scenes and dialogue, yes, but the new chapters are yet to come. but thanks :)

It's great that you're still alive and still improving your story


I try <3


I can't belive in my eyes, is so....beutiful....thank you so much fo the update and the new UI looks so pretty, loved it!!! <333333 


<3 it's made with nyehelismwriting's template and a lot of screaming at code :D


A perfect combo<3 it's so pretty.


I wish there was an option to be called father for priest mcs when it comes to mr/ms/mx choice.

Well, you aren't a priest, you just posed as one. Don't make the impersonation of clergy charge any more substantial D=



There goes my fatherly dreams / -\ ~


You can still be a father-figure to finley?


I like it. but i wish that it has multi saves. I hope the next chapter comes out soon. :)


i find this to be very interesting and written quite well, i can't wait to see what future chapter's may bring


Thank you. You'll have to be patient, though, as life's getting in the way Dx. But I'll try. Next update will also bring a complete overhault of the UI and save system <3

i have a quick question and i dont remember if i have asked it already. but you said that the next chapter is going to be in the prospective of the other member(s) of the group, but is it going to be a little bit of time from the prospective of everyone or only from the prospective of the character with which mc has the most romance with?


Hi. The next chapter will be from the perspective of one of three characters. It's also an optional chapter :3

(Btw: it's best to ask questions like this on the development blog on tumblr too, for more people to see, in case they wondered the same)

🙋yes Captain!


Oh, I absolutely LOVE this!!! I find myself skimming over text in a lot of IFs, but I read every single word in this. Everything is written so well, the characters are all charming, and the plot is just phenomenal!  Can't wait for the next update :}


Thank you :D

I hope I can get the update out at least this year... Right now the horse-names keep getting in the way >_> (I'm not kidding, the code to check your horse's name for achievements and flavortext reasons is by now nearly 15k of code... the chapters are usually around 25k words with code)



Oh wow, I don't know much about Twine coding but that sounds...intense lol. Remember not to stress yourself out too much, though, and take the time that you need! :))


thank you. And hey, it's all for the immersion. :3


Just found this and I love it! I can't wait for the next chapter btw that cliffhanger is illegal! I can't wait to meet everyone else especially Preacher.  Like im so invested in this story now 


:D I'll do my best to update. Life got in the way quite a bit, but things are going somewhere. And a heads-up: The next update will see an overhaul of the UI (switching from Twine's harlowe language to Twine sugarcube, because better menu and more save-slots), so you'll have to replay from the start. But it will be a prettier (ymmw though) layout, and more name-shenanigans... <3


lol that how life is sadly lol. But I hope everything is going good for you and everything and if I have to replay it, I'm so down for it. So, I will be looking forward to it :) 


This is the most intriguing and fun text game/story I've ever played, hands down. The way your MC can be transgender and how it's actually brought up in gameplay was so good I don't even have the words to praise it, same goes with their heritage/ethnicity. And I spent the entire game not realizing romance was an option and was just wistfully pining for Charlie the entire time; the joy I felt when I got to the part where you could actually start a romance with him was unmatched. I was over the freaking MOON. 

I'm so excited for more of this story, thank you for sharing it and I am thoroughly hooked. 

<3 thank you

happy new year pals, lads and gals!

<3 same to you.

How are y'all not dying in that ambush? I keep playing it a million different ways and still die :,,,,,,,,,(

oh wait am i dumb is that the cliffhanger i thought i was just a loser


Don't worry, that is a cliffhanger. Next chapter will be a non-interactive one from the Pov of one of three ROs as they set out to rescue MC.  I just need to fight off the writer's block Dx

PS: Also, if this helps a bit more: Every pre-mature ending comes with an achievement

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